THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Popular South Indian actor Radhika Sharathkumar has said that she asks her assistants to check the caravan on film sets before she uses it. She said this in the backdrop of the shocking revelation earlier on Saturday on how caravans are being misused to take nude videos of female actors who change their costumes.
Radhika told TNIE over the phone from Chennai that Mohanlal and Dileep had called her on Saturday asking her why she had not alerted them if at all it had happened in the films they had acted with her.
She also claimed that she had seen certain people enjoying these scenes from the caravan in one of the sets in the Malayalam film industry. Radhika is a top actor in the South Indian film industry and her revelation has come as a shock to many. This is the first time a top actor who had acted in Malayalam films had come out with such a shocking revelation following the release of the Justice Hema Committee report. The 62-year-old actor had acted in four Malayalam films after I V Sasi’s ‘Arthana’ released in 1993. She had acted in Ramaleela (2017), The Gambinos (2019), Ittymani: Made in China (2019) and Pavi Caretaker (2024). Radhika did not reveal in which set she happened to see certain people watching the nude videos taken in a caravan.
Radhika said that she was horrified to see people enjoying nude videos of women actors secretly recorded from the confines of the caravan. “I had acted with the two heroes, Mohanlal and Dileep. They have been extremely nice where they treated me like a queen. While passing through the sets, I saw a few people watching the video. I shouted and asked them to delete it. Then they said those were old videos. I was worried only about my safety then. Following my revelation, Mohanlal and Dileep called me. I told them that throughout my life I handled the problems. My problem was how to get into a caravan and how to take care of myself. I ask my assistants to check the caravan first before I go in,” said Radhika.
She also added that she is not here to sensationalise, but to protect the future generation in the film industry. Radhika also came under flak from several quarters for raising the issue which had happened a few years ago. She maintained that it’s her problem and not their worry. “I spoke up because I want this area (film industry) to be protected. I’m talking about what could be prevented. That was my only intention and I’d not faced any issues. I know both Mohanlal and Dileep at a personal level and they have been extremely nice on the sets”, added Radhika. She also said that she does not have any complaint and asked the logic behind the SIT team taking her statement. “Since I don’t have any complaint, there is no point in the SIT team taking my statement. I don’t intend to meet them. Anyway, I’m going abroad,” added Radhika.