Nine-storey building at Veer Surendra Sai Institute of Medical Sciences And Research in Sambalpur lying unused 

Paediatric department cannot be shifted to the new building due to fire clearance issues, says VIMSAR Superintendent Jayashree Dora
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SAMBALPUR: A nine-storey building meant to be used as the new paediatric department of Veer Surendra Sai Institute of Medical Sciences And Research (VIMSAR) at Burla here, is lying unused for more than two years after its completion.

The building was constructed by the Public Works Department (PWD) at an estimated cost of `10 crore. Construction work started in 2012 and subsequently, the building was handed over to the hospital in 2017. 
The building was constructed with an objective to accommodate the paediatric ward and outpatient department (OPD) along with the Special Newborn Care Unit (SNCU). Besides, equipment for different tests were to be installed in the building to provide healthcare services to patients under one roof.

However, though more than two years have passed, VIMSAR authorities are yet to take steps to shift the existing paediatric department to the new building. Hospital sources informed that some advanced instruments and equipment have also been procured for the new building but these are lying unused.

Currently, the existing 90-bed paediatric ward is functioning on the floor above the cardiology department of VIMSAR. But the existing place is not sufficient to cater to a large number of patients who come to avail treatment from nearby areas. Moreover, the SNCU is also located at a distance from the ward, causing inconvenience to patients.

“Considering the problems faced by patients, it was proposed to shift the existing paediatric department to the nine-storey building which was supposed to function as a separate Maternal and Child Care Centre. But surprisingly, the building has been lying unutilised, leaving the patients to suffer. The matter was also apprised to the Health Minister during his last visit, but we are yet to see any action in this regard,” said Chetan Goyal, a social worker of Burla.

Superintendent of VIMSAR Jayashree Dora said the paediatric department cannot be shifted to the new building due to fire clearance issues. “However, we have planned to use the building as an academic block. We have also identified land for the paediatric department near NAC College at Burla,” she added.  

The New Indian Express