Women put up  spirited fight to end liquor menace

The Mahasangh members said country liquor is being sold in the open and even small betel shops are supplying it.
Women with seized liquor bottles at Gadharishpur village | Express
Women with seized liquor bottles at Gadharishpur village | Express

JAGATSINGHPUR: With the authorities concerned failing to check illegal sale of liquor, a group of women has taken up the task of unearthing such units and ending the liquor menace in Gadharishpur panchayat of the district.

Illegal liquor trade has been flourishing in the villages of Gadharishpur under Erasama police limits under the patronage of leaders of different political parties. With agitation by locals and women groups failing to check the illegal sale of liquor and no administrative action being taken, the women decided to take up the matter into their own hands.

A women’s group, Jhansi Rani Mahila Mahasangh, reached the houses of liquor traders Sasadhar Maiti and Haripada Tola on Thursday and seized huge quantity of illicit liquor from their premises. Maiti and Tola managed to flee from the spot.

The Mahasangh members said country liquor is being sold in the open and even small betel shops are supplying it. Though villagers had approached the district administration seeking action against the unlicensed sale of liquor and traders, no action has been taken against them. The women members claimed that easy availability of liquor has led to rise in drinking habits and crime in the villages.

The Mahasangh has lodged an FIR against the two accused at Erasama police station and police have registered a case against them. Women also produced seized illicit and foreign liquor in police station.
The women have been relentlessly working towards ending the liquor menace in their panchayat. In 2017, the Mahasangh had destroyed the liquor shop of Sangakar Kandi of Garia village under the panchayat and burnt it. Prior to that, they had destroyed liquor in 20 shops in the panchayat. But due to lack of official enforcement, the trade continues.

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