Odisha Police pieces together links in gangster Hyder escape puzzle

Hyder visited SCB thrice between January and March
Representational Image. (Express Illustrations)
Representational Image. (Express Illustrations)

CUTTACK: Gangster SK Hyder visited SCB Medical College and Hospital (MCH) thrice between January and March and on all the occasions, he was escorted by the 26-year-old constable Md Mousim.This has come to fore during an investigation by Commissionerate Police on Wednesday to ascertain the circumstances under which the dreaded criminal got admission to the MCH and availed special facilities including an air-conditioned cabin besides, his medical history. 

Hyder first visited SCB MCH on January 19 and then on February 23. The third visit was on March 23 during which he sought treatment of his eyes at the ophthalmology department, kidney in nephrology department and also went to the general surgery. Details have been sought from the doctors concerned on the reasons behind Hyder’s visit in January and February, said police.The investigating officers have come to know that Mousim was included in the escort team of Sambalpur police to ferry him to SCB MCH all the three times. On March 23, Mousim who was escorting Hyder at SCB MCH along with five other police personnel had booked a lodge at Mangalabag for their accommodation. 

“We made inquiries at the lodge on several aspects including details of activities of the personnel staying in two rooms, people making payments towards lodging and contact details of other persons who met the personnel inside the lodge that day”, said a police officer. The six suspended police constables including Mousim have been allowed to leave for their headquarters after their interrogation and recording of statements on Tuesday night. If necessary, they will be brought back here for further interrogation.

Meanwhile, after bringing Hyder’s aide Yakub Khan on 7-day remand from the court, a team of Commissionerate police has started grilling him to elicit more information on Hyder’s escape.  “We have already gathered some information and evidence from SCB MCH and the lodge and efforts are on to locate and nab the fugitive gangster as soon as possible,” added the officer. On the other hand, there is no effort from either Health and Family Welfare department or Prisons administration to initiate a probe to find out nexus between their top officials in the incident. 

Gangster’s sons absconding

Bhubaneswar: The two sons of SK Hyder - SK Azharuddin and SK Chunni  - are absconding after their father fled from SCB MCH last week. A case has been registered by Mangalabag police against Hyder for fleeing and action will also be initiated against his two sons if their involvement behind his escape is ascertained, said a senior police officer. Hyder’s another son SK Kadir, who is lodged in a jail, Chunni and Azharuddin all have criminal antecedents and they were apprehended in the past for various offences, said a police officer.

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