SAMBALPUR: The TEDxVSSUT was held at Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT), Burla here on Saturday. The theme of the TED-talk event this year was “Unparalleled Amidst Uncertainty “.The event was inaugurated by the Vice-Chancellor of the university Prof Bansidhar Majhi. The first speaker of the TEDx event was the youngest headmaster of the world Babar Ali who spoke about his journey and hustles inspiring the crowd. Satyarup Siddhanta then took the talks to the glacier mountains as the second speaker and shared his thrilling experience on taking risks in life to gain something beyond our reach.
The third speaker was Aman Dhattarwal, founder of “Apni Kaksha” and now the most viewed YouTuber in the education field, energized the crowd with his words about growing in their lives embracing uncertainties. The fourth speaker Lopa Mishra Jana conveyed her idea regarding focusing creativity for improving any of the thousands of aspects.
Squadron Leader Dipti being the fifth speaker of the TEDx event spoke through her story of ‘Many Dreams’ and achieving them with the belief that Sky is the limit.The sixth and last speaker of the TED-talk Ansuman Rath, the Assistant Director of Odisha Tourism elaborated different aspects staring from his journey of becoming a civil servant to the Covid storm of past years.