BHUBANESWAR: In an attempt to reduce number of deaths due to road accidents, the State Transport Authority (STA) has planned to launch a two-week-long special drive against helmetless riding in Odisha. The drive will be launched on National/State Highways from August 16. The STA officers observed that driving without helmet is widespread in Odisha, especially on National/State Highways. Even though helmetless driving is one of the major causes behind serious injuries and fatalities, the violation continues unabated in the State. About 1,308 persons including 868 riders and 440 pillion riders were killed in road accidents in 2021. Most of them were not wearing helmets.
At least 1,280 persons had sustained serious injuries and 747 suffered minor injuries in road accidents involving two-wheelers. “It has been observed that out of all the accidents taking place on National/State Highways, many are related to two-wheeler riders. Due to continuous enforcement activities, people are using helmets in urban areas. However, they are avoiding wearing helmets on highways where protection is needed the most,” said Joint Commissioner Transport (road safety), Sanjay Kumar Biswal. Even though it is mandatory, pillion riders are hardly wearing helmets.
Two-wheeler riders and pillion riders must follow the traffic rules and wear helmets for their safety. If a person riding pillion is not wearing helmet, then the driving license of the rider will be suspended for three months and a fine of `1,000 will be imposed against him/her, he added. The STA officers have warned that action will also be initiated against people involved in triple riding and juveniles riding two-wheelers during the special drive, which will conclude on August 30.
According to the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, riding without helmet attracts a penalty of `1,000. During a drive against people riding without helmets on National/ State Highways between May 15 and 21, the enforcement officers had imposed fines against 10,661 two-wheeler riders and 2,505 driving licenses were suspended. In a special drive conducted on July 30, 1,469 riders were issued challans for driving without helmets and 117 vehicles were seized.