Proper land records for 28 villages of Kotia panchayat

The local people including the public representatives of the disputed villages have also been demanding the same before Koraput administration.
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JEYPORE: The district administration will ensure proper land records to all residents of 28 villages including 21 disputed villages of Kotia panchayat under Pottangi block. According to sources, people of the Kotia panchayat have been demanding proper land records including their rights to forest land, however, it could not be given to them by identifying the beneficiaries as per the existing norms of the State government.

The local people including the public representatives of the disputed villages have also been demanding the same before Koraput administration.The RI circle has been set up in Kotia panchayat to look after revenue matters of the local people, with the Revenue Inspector functioning from Pottangi Tehsil headquarters.

On Friday, Additional Secretary Satyabrata Sahu visited Kotia and directed Koraput district administration to ensure the land records to the people as per the government norms by Revenue Inspector at Kotia RI office. He also instructed the district Collector to ensure regular work and permanent stay of the Kotia Revenue Inspector in the Panchayat hheadquartersfor the convenience of the people.

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