JAGATSINGHPUR: Controversy has erupted over the eviction of two girl students from the hostel of Government Polytechnic, Naugaon after they were reportedly caught smoking cigarettes. On the other hand, refuting the allegation of smoking, parents of the two Plus Two students have accused some hostel seniors of ragging the girls which led to their eviction.
On Wednesday night, some Plus Three students found cigarette smoke coming out of the hostel room of the two girls. Though no cigarettes were found from the girls, the senior students took up the matter with the hostel warden.
Subsequently, the warden inspected the room of the two girls and found half-burnt cigarettes in the dustbin. Taking a serious note of the incident, college authorities asked the two Plus Two students to vacate the hostel room and also informed their parents.
However, father of one of the girls, a native of Nuada village within Jagatsinghpur police limits, met district collector Parul Patwari on Wednesday and alleged that some seniors regularly ragged his daughter in the hostel. Though he informed the college authorities about the matter, no action was taken against the accused students. Instead, the college management forced his daughter to vacate her hostel room.
The other girl’s father, a resident of Mundilo in Jagatsinghpur block, also levelled similar allegations and said he urged the college authorities to allow his daughter to stay in the hostel but in vain. “Forcing the students to vacate the hostel is not the solution. Even if the allegation of smoking against the two students is true, the college should have taken measures to reform them,” he added.
Contacted, principal of Government Polytechnic, Naugaon Kalapana K admitted that the two students were asked to vacate their hostel room for smoking. However, they have been allowed to appear their examinations. “I have already informed collector Patwari and the parents of the students about the matter,” she added.