BHUBANESWAR: Even as milk production in Odisha has increased almost threefold in last two decades - from 8.75 lakh tonne in 2000 to around 24 lakh tonne now, per capita availability is much lower as compared to the national average and ICMR recommendation for basic nutritional requirement.
As per a recent report released by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard), per capita milk availability in the state is 144 gm/day as against national average of 444 gm/day and ICMR recommendation of 300 gm/day. The average yield per in-milk animal - crossbred, indigenous, non-descript cattle was 6.76 ltr/day, 2.66 ltr/day and 1.42 ltr/day which is much below the national average of 8.32 ltr/day, 4.07 ltr/day and 2.83 ltr/day respectively. Similarly, the average yield per in-milk animal- indigenous and non-descript buffalo were 4.61 ltr/day and 1.1 ltr/day which is also much below the national average of 6.62 ltr/day and 4.81 ltr/day respectively.
Quoting the livestock census and basic animal husbandry statistics, the report indicated some of the critical issues that have been plaguing the dairy sector. The issues include low production capacity of existing cattle stock in the state, less availability of fodder, required veterinary services, lack of timely artificial insemination (AI) service delivery, less number of milk routes and higher number of dormant/less functional milk co-operative societies.
The Nabard has also underlined lack of desired level of support from the state government to OMFED for increasing milk production, incentivising milk pouring by the farmers, making OMFED more vibrant and competitive to compete with other private players in the dairy value chain.
Livestock sector is the second largest sub-sector next to crop production, contributing nearly 15 per cent of the total gross value added (GVA) of agriculture and allied activities in the state. Of the total agriculture production, milk alone accounts for eight per cent of the total output. Cattle in the state account for 5.12 per cent of the total cattle population in the country.
Nabard has suggested some critical interventions - setting up of required number of veterinary dispensaries, AI and breeding centres and fodder farm upgradation, induction of crossbred milch cattle along with upgradation of improved breeds, revival of milk co-operative societies, strengthening of milk routes and incentivising milk procurement for fast tracking the pace of development in the sector.
State’s milk production
24 lakh tonne in 2022-23, up from 8.75 lakh tonne in 2000
Per capita availability
State: 144gm/day, National avg: 444gm/day
ICMR recommendation:300 gm/day