BHUBANESWAR: In an incident that has raised serious questions about the safety and security of Rama Devi Women’s University students, unidentified miscreants allegedly barged into the Asima hostel for differently-abled students and stole the mobile phones of some inmates.
The incident took place on the night of November 25 when the students were asleep. As per police, at least six mobile phones were stolen from about two to three rooms of the hostel. “The students were sleeping and they had not locked the doors of their rooms,” said an officer of Saheed Nagar police station.
Sources said though police are yet to identify the culprits, they suspect involvement of a few labourers who are engaged in construction work on the campus. The incident has raised serious concern about the safety of the differently-abled students staying in the hostel.
A case has been registered and investigation is underway to nab the accused, said a police officer. Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik had inaugurated Asima hostel on December 3, 2017 on the occasion of International Day of Persons with Disabilities.