Ashwini Vaishnaw briefs craftsmen on new scheme, visits Cuttack

The minister said the beneficiaries of the scheme will get allowance of Rs 500 per day during training besides a toolkit voucher worth Rs 15,000.
Union Railways Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw interacting with passengers
Union Railways Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw interacting with passengers

BHUBANESWAR: Union Railways Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw elaborated the benefits of PM Vishwakarma scheme to the artists and craftsmen present at the railway auditorium here after Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the scheme on Sunday.

The minister said the beneficiaries of the scheme will get allowance of Rs 500 per day during training besides a toolkit voucher worth Rs 15,000. They can procure modern toolkits with the assistance. The government will also help in branding, packaging and marketing of their products.

Vaishnaw advised the artists and craftsmen to procure the tools only from the GST registered shops and be sure that the tools are Made-in-India. Carpenters, blacksmiths, goldsmiths, sculptors, potters, cobblers, tailors, masons, hairdressers and washermen will be included in the scheme.

He also interacted with the artists and craftsmen and discussed their potential. As per the scheme, the beneficiaries can avail loan up to Rs 3 lakh without being asked for any collateral with very low interest.
Later, the Union minister participated in the Swachhata Abhiyan drive aboard a local train, journeying from Bhubaneswar to Cuttack. He interacted with the passengers during the drive for their feedback. He inspected cleanliness at Cuttack railway station.

Vaishnaw also inspected Naraj Marthapur railway station following request from the locals and discussed the development and expansion plan of the station. Lok Sabha MP Aparajita Sarangi and Rajya Sabha member Muzibulla Khan were present at the railway auditorium.

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