BERHAMPUR: In a shocking incident on Raksha Bandhan, a minor girl was killed while her brother sustained critical injuries after being stabbed by their cousin in Jagannath Vihar within Bada Bazaar police limits on Monday.
The victim was identified as Prajakta Panigrahy (13) while her brother who sustained injuries is Ayushman (15). Both of them were stabbed by their 14-year-old cousin Ashutosh and rushed to MKCG medical college and hospital where doctors declared Prajakta brought dead. Ayushman was shifted to a hospital in Bhubaneswar for further treatment.
Sources said Ashutosh fled after committing the crime and was injured in a road mishap. He allegedly tried to commit suicide by jumping in front of a bus near Pochilima on NH-59 but survived. He was critically injured and rushed to MKCG medical college and hospital. Police said only Ashutosh can clarify why he stabbed his cousins. The matter is being investigated.