SAMBALPUR: The body of the Class IX girl student who went missing after jumping into Mahanadi from the Chaunrpur bridge in Sambalpur three days ago, was recovered from the riverbank near Kandapur in Athagarh on Tuesday.
According to reports, on Tuesday morning, the body of the girl identified as Kajal Sahani, was found by locals in Athagarh. Subsequently, they informed police and fire personnel who recovered the body. After establishing her identity from the school uniform, her family was informed. Later, the body was sent for autopsy.
Fire officer, Sudam Kisku said, “The body had come floating to the riverbank from where it was recovered by the fire personnel there. Both the hands of the deceased were missing and perhaps eaten by some water animal.”
On the day of the incident, Kajal left for school at her usual time. However, around an hour later, she was seen near the Chaunpur bridge by the morning walkers, where she parked her cycle and jumped into the river, before they could reach to stop her. Subsequently, the nearby people informed the police and the fire team who rushed to the spot and launched a search operation.
However, her body was found on Tuesday at Athagarh. While tension within the family was suspected to be the cause, her parents have held school authorities responsible. Meanwhile, police are investigating the case from all angles.