Strict vigil at borders as paddy purchase starts in Sundargarh

An enforcement team has been formed along with appointment of nodal officers at district, sub-division and block levels to monitor the entire process.
Kharif procurement commencing in Sundargarh from Friday.
Kharif procurement commencing in Sundargarh from Friday.(Photo | Express)
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ROURKELA: With kharif procurement commencing in Sundargarh from Friday, the district administration has initiated measures to keep strict vigil on all border entry points to check illegal arrival of paddy stocks from neighbouring Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand.

Civil supplies officer (CSO) of Sundargarh DC Beshra said paddy procurement kicked off in presence of deputy speaker of Odisha Legislative Assembly and Talsara MLA Bhabani Shankar Bhoi at Kirei paddy procurement centre (PPC) in Sadar block. As Christmas celebration is underway in Sundargarh, full-fledged procurement would start after the festival.

He informed that to curb illegal entry of paddy from Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand, 18 border entry points have been equipped with surveillance cameras. An enforcement team has been formed along with appointment of nodal officers at district, sub-division and block levels to monitor the entire process.

All PPCs will have CCTV cameras for webcasting. Basic amenities including drinking water, a waiting shed, storage space and toilet would be made available for convenience of farmers. Women SHGs would also be encouraged to set up food stalls near the PPCs for convenience of farmers coming from far-flung areas.

Sources said the administration has intensified vigil at the borders as there is a possibility of unscrupulous elements illegally bringing in paddy from the neighbouring states in lure of the high minimum support price of Rs 3,100 per quintal paddy in Odisha.

The district administration has fixed the procurement target at 1,94,338 tonne of paddy this kharif season. A total of 54,441 farmers have registered to sell their paddy at 133 PPCs across the district.

Deputy registrar of cooperative society (DRCS) US Das said two PPCs were opened at Kirei in Sadar block and Khuntgaon in Lahunipada on Friday. Three more PPCs opened at Dareikela in Bonai and Lahunipada on Saturday. All PPCs will be opened and the procurement process streamlined in a week after the Christmas celebration gets over.

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