NEYVELI: The Neyveli Lignite Corporation on Tuesday introduced an e-auction method for sale of raw lignite. The process was launched at the Regional Coal Consumers Council meet here.
The Regional Coal Consumers Council was constituted by the Ministry of Coal, Government of India, for streamlining the greivance redress mechanism. The prime objective of the council is to look into the greivances of the consumers, assess lignite requirement and supply it in a transparent way to genuine buyers.
Following the inroduction of the e-auction, V Mohan, general manager (marketing and disposal), explained the procedure followed and the methodology in the sale of raw lignite to the consumers represented by five major industrialists and those from small and tiny units.
The Neyveli Lignite Corporation has been selling lignite to various industries, including those in cement, chemicals, brick, paper and sugar sector. Presently, 10 big industries and 57 small and tiny industries are participating in the e-auction. The Neyveli Lignite Corporation has also been selling around 19 lakh tonnes of lignite to a private power plant in Neyveli annually.