Sasikala turns aggressive, will fight to the finish

AIADMK general secretary VK Sasikala responded with an offence, defence and a dash of nostalgia to assert that she would not back down.
AIADMK general secretary VK Sasikala with party leaders and MLAs at a resort in Koovathur, near Chennai on Sunday
AIADMK general secretary VK Sasikala with party leaders and MLAs at a resort in Koovathur, near Chennai on Sunday

CHENNAI: Having spent the last few days on the back-foot after the shock rebellion by one-time loyalist Chief Minister O Panneerselvam, AIADMK general secretary VK Sasikala on Sunday responded with an offence, defence and a dash of nostalgia to assert that she would not back down in this war within. 

“Some had made detailed enquiries to know whether I am an amenable person. But they were told that for the past 33 years, I have been a commander to Amma, and thus have the capacity to lead the party,” she said, addressing the MLAs who have been accommodated at a resort outside Chennai.

“Many think Panneerselvam is a soft person who would agree to whatever is told to him, leading to a comparison between us. But they see me as a tiger cub who was with a tigress for a long time... It cannot be caught despite spreading many nets,” she said.

Addressing widespread concerns about the impending verdict in the wealth case that the Supreme Court is expected to deliver later this week, Sasikala - the number-two accused after Jaya herself - said she would not be cowed down by it. 

“Both Amma and I have seen jails in Chennai and Bangalore and returned to capture power.  So if anyone thinks that I can be cowed down because I am a woman, they are mistaken. It won’t work, just like in the case of Amma.”

“We are passing through a crisis. Panneerselvam, who became a minister due to this party, is now trying to split it.” The priority now is to form the government to continue the welfare measures Jaya initiated. “If all of you are with me, we can serve the people and the party. If we do that, from Tamil Nadu to Delhi, none can do anything to this party. If you are with me... I will not fear anyone and I will not go back on the decision I took,” she told the cheering MLAs. “Those who have gathered here are the government. They alone can form the government.”

The 1.5 crore strong party cadre believed anyone of them could become an MLA. To such cadre, the MLAs have a responsibility of unveiling Jaya’s portrait in the Assembly hall, next to that of party founder and late Chief Minister MG Ramachandran, Sasikala reminded them.

This is markedly different from how the AIADMK leadership has been responding to the biggest crisis that it is facing since the split in 1987. But despite her thinly-veiled warning against delaying government formation any further, that she delivered on Saturday, the party has not precipitated the situation further.

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