Maximum of Rs 15,000 per day for ICU: TN fixes rates for COVID-19 treatment at private hospitals

According to a government order, Grade 1 and 2 hospitals can charge a maximum of Rs 7,500 per day for the general ward while grade 3 and 4 hospitals can charge Rs 5000 per day.
A Covid-19 isolation ward at a hospital in Chennai | Express
A Covid-19 isolation ward at a hospital in Chennai | Express

CHENNAI: The Tamil Nadu government on Saturday fixed rates for private hospitals for COVID-19 treatment after several instances of hospitals fleecing patients were reported.

According to a government order, Grade 1 and 2 hospitals can charge a maximum of Rs 7,500 per day for the general ward while grade 3 and 4 hospitals can charge Rs 5000 per day.

For admission to the ICU, all hospitals -- Grade 1, 2, 3 and 4 -- can charge a maximum of Rs 15,000 per day.

The order says private hospitals must strictly not charge more than this and the decision has been taken after considering the requests placed by the state branch of the Indian Medical Association and rising media reports on private hospitals fleecing patients.

“In times of pandemic, the government and private hospitals must work hand in hand,’’ said the statement.

Earlier, the state had included treatment of COVID patients in private hospitals under the Chief Minister’s Health Insurance Scheme.

In government hospitals, treatment has been free of cost for COVID-19 patients across the state and other specially set up COVID-19 care facilities.

Families that are already enrolled and eligible under the Chief Minister’s Comprehensive Health Insurance scheme can avail the treatment as per the latest announcements.

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