No water connection here despite paying taxes for 8 months

With no water connection or drinking water supply pipeline installed in their area, residents of Ram Nagar were told to pay taxes for the connection which they were yet to receive.
Image used for representational purpose only.
Image used for representational purpose only.

KARUR:  It has been an 8-month-long wait for residents of Ram Nagar in Vennamalai, who paid charges for drinking water connection, but are yet to get them. Residents submitted a petition to the Collector on Monday, enclosing receipt copies for the amount paid towards water connection and taxes and sought action.

With no water connection or drinking water supply pipeline installed in their area, residents of Ram Nagar were told to pay taxes for the connection which they were yet to receive. Around 30 residents of Ram Nagar had paid the water connection charges and water supply taxes.

Velusamy, one of the affected residents, told TNIE, "We all paid our water connection charges of `5,200 under Jal Jeevan Mission and water supply taxes of `600 for one full year which ends in April 2022. Just three months are left for the next due date to pop up, but we are yet to receive the water supply connection in our area. Owing to lack of awareness, we paid the taxes for a connection facility that was yet to be implemented. We have submitted numerous petitions to officials in this connection, but in vain."

When contacted, Karur City Municipal Corporation Commissioner Ravichandran told TNIE, "We will inquire about the delay with the officials and take action at the earliest."

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