MADURAI: The Avaniyapuram police booked seven persons, including three couples, in connection with the illegal adoption of a two-and-a-half-year-old girl child on Saturday. Of the seven, five were arrested and two were on the run.
According to sources, the suspects were identified as G Suganya, her husband P Ganesh Kumar, S Selvi, her husband P Samayasanjeevi, Kalanithi and her husband M Balachandar, and one Saravanan. The child belonged to one Chithra, a relative of Suganya, who allegedly took her and illegally gave it to Kalanithi and Balachandar for adoption. The couple had also forged birth certificates with the help of Saravanan.
The child was rescued and based on a complaint by Child Welfare Committee Chairperson Vijayasaravanan, all seven were booked. Except for Samayasanjeevi and Saravanan, the rest were arrested.
A CWC member B Pandiaraja told TNIE that Chithra had four more children; the first child was reported stolen, a baby boy died during the birth and two baby girls, who were twins, were taken by Suganya. While Suganya kept one of the girls, she gave the other twin to her friend Selvi of Sellur, he added. “It is not yet certain whether the adoption involved money or Chithra played a role in it,” Pandiaraja said.