A rider waiting for customers at Gandhi Market in Tiruchy on Wednesday | MK Ashok Kumar
A rider waiting for customers at Gandhi Market in Tiruchy on Wednesday | MK Ashok Kumar

Elections, no elections... we ride a different path: Tiruchy cycle rickshaw riders

Even as the peaking fuel costs are testing the tempers of the public, especially those in the transportation industry, there is a tribe of transporters that never feels the pinch.

TIRUCHY: Even as the peaking fuel costs are testing the tempers of the public, especially those in the transportation industry, there is a tribe of transporters that never feels the pinch.

Cycle rickshaw riders at Gandhi Market in Tiruchy are neither worried about the fuel prices nor do they care about the buzzing elections.

Many of the riders here are in their 60s and do not possess voter ID cards. All they look for is to find rides and make a few bucks.

“Since our rickshaws are old-fashioned, they don’t attract many customers. Mostly, we are dependent on a few vendors who want to transport their goods from one end of the market to the other.” says Joseph, a rider in his 50s.

About 40 years ago, there were about a thousand cycle rickshaws in the market and five cycle stands nearby, they say. Now, there are only about 20 of them – some of these are senior citizens who use their rickshaws as their home.

“I’m not in good terms with my children. So, I’m not interested in going back to them. I started using this cycle when I was 15. Now, I am stuck with it for more than 40 years. This cycle ensured that I got a livelihood even when my family deserted me.

After earning some money for food, I sleep in my rickshaw. I don’t have any documents, and hence, can’t vote. Many riders here are in a similar situation. So, we aren’t concerned about the election or who will form the next government,” says Sayed, a rider.

Interestingly, a section of these cycle rickshaw riders are fans of former Chief Minister MG Ramachandran. They have a picture of him kept or pasted in their vehicle. And these MGR fans are keen to exercise their suffrage.

Haneefa (76), an ardent MGR fan, feels voting is his duty irrespective of that making any change.

“During the initial years, I was at Marakkadai in Chennai. That time, I used to attend most of the public meetings of MGR. I have never missed an election and will vote this time as well.”

The New Indian Express