Draft national higher education proposal will deprive Tamil Nadu of power: Common School System body

The draft will make Acts earlier passed by the State Legislature - to establish TN universities - infructuous and the decisions regarding regulations will be taken by the Centre.
Image used for representational purposes only
Image used for representational purposes only

CHENNAI: The draft National Higher Educational Qualification Framework (NHEQF) seeks to deprive the Tamil Nadu government of power, alleged the State Platform for Common School System TN (SPCSS-TN). PB Prince Gajendra Babu, general secretary of SPCSS-TN, cited the State Legislature is not aware of the effects of the draft NHEQF.

"The Legislature is unaware that the universities established by its legislation will no longer be able to grant affiliation to colleges. All colleges will need to become at least a Type 3 Higher Education Institute by 2030 or merge with Universities," said Gajendra Babu.

He highlighted the last date to file objections to the draft is February 21. "We (SPCSS) filed an objection. It is against the Constitution to implement it without discussion with ministers. The State government must vehemently oppose it," said Babu.

The draft will make Acts earlier passed by the State Legislature - to establish TN universities - infructuous. The decisions regarding regulations will be taken by the Centre, the members said. According to the guild, university nomenclature will become meaningless as they will have no power to draft the syllabus and pedagogy. In the name of autonomy, government financial grants will be reduced, cited SPCSS-TN.

It is a road map to shut down State government colleges which are pathways for marginalised students to enter higher education, they said. The draft framework, if implemented in its present form, will reduce the number of State government colleges. The association predicts that two-thirds of colleges across TN will face a natural death by 2030.

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