CHENNAI: In the last weeks of December, social media saw a clash between the cadres of the DMK and the BJP over a wristwatch worn by the saffron party’s state president K Annamalai, and the DMK cadre left no stone unturned in trolling him.
Although all DMK cadre agree that BJP is one party they need to oppose, a group of DMK functionaries believe that picking a fight with it over trivial matters would only let it hog the limelight and help it set the narrative that the BJP is the main opposition party in TN.
A state-level functionary of the DMK, seeking anonymity, says: “There is a difference between exposing the faults of an opposition party and picking an unnecessary fight with it. The latter would always help the opposition.”
Over the past several months, the DMK and the BJP clashed on social media over multiple subjects, such as Annamalai’s allegations of security lapse during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Tamil Nadu and BJP’s support to Governor RN Ravi regarding the Bill banning online gambling.
These clashes, a DMK state-level leader believes, have helped cement the narrative that the BJP is the “strongest opposition party” in TN. “DMK cadre kept on trolling Annamalai over silly matters without realising the adverse impact this would cause. They are unknowingly helping the BJP to establish a DMK-vs-BJP political arena in TN,” he told TNIE, requesting anonymity.
On how to handle the BJP differently, a state-level DMK functionary recalled how former chief minister M Karunanidhi dealt with the emergence of Vijayakant-led DMDK. The DMK patriarch used diplomatic means to take on the DMDK, which once had around 10% vote share in TN. “Currently, however, the DMK is according too much importance on a party (the BJP) that has only around 5% vote share.”