RAMANATHAPURAM: Tamil Nadu Minister for Backward Classes Welfare B Raja Kannappan on Friday referred to Sports Minister and Chief Minister MK Stalin's son Udhayanidhi Stalin as "Deputy Chief Minister." He however hastened to suggest that he can refer to Udhayanidhi thus only after August 19.
The elevation of Udhayanidhi is reported to be on the cards even though Udhayanidhi has played down speculations about his elevation while Stalin has suggested the time is not ripe yet.
Meanwhile, while delivering his address at Tamil Pudhalvan initiation in Ramanathapuram, Raja Kannappan, by slip of the tongue or otherwise, referred to Udhayanidhi as "Deputy Chief Minister", before, as if correcting himself, he added that he could refer to Udhayanidhi as such only after August 19.
During the event the Minister hailed the various welfare schemes including the Pudhumai Pen and now the Tamil Pudhalvan schemes initiated by the Tamil Nadu government.
Chief Minister M K Stalin recently admitted that clamour within his party has grown stronger to elevate his son as his deputy but indicated the time is yet to come.
The elections to Tamil Nadu assembly is due in 2026 and the elevation of Udhayanidhi appears to be in the cards though Stalin and Udhayanidhi presently prefer to hold the cards close to their chests.