CHENNAI: The Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation (TNSDC) is set to introduce a gamified platform that will be integrated into 13,500 government schools across the state for conducting “Naan Mudhalvan Olympiad” – a competition for government school students of Classes 6, 7 and 8, to identify, nurture their cognitive skills at an early stage.
Similar to hi-tech laboratories, the gamified platform will be incorporated into the existing school infrastructure and will feature grade-appropriate questions with detailed scoring mechanisms. The questions will assess the students’ aptitude and cognitive skills, including critical thinking, concept understanding, problem-solving, logical reasoning, and auditory and visual processing. The platform will provide officials with advanced analytics, real-time performance insights, engagement levels, and assessment results.
Each session of the Olympiad will last for an hour and comprise around 40 questions. As part of the competition, hackathons will be organised in schools. The school education department officials said the hi-tech laboratories – being established in 7,904 middle schools at Rs 400 crore – will be equipped to conduct the Olympiad.
To validate the platform with respect to accuracy, a pilot project will be carried out in selected schools. Mock tests will be conducted for the students to familiarise them with the assessment format, said the officials.
Based on the analytics, the TNSDC and the school education department will offer skill-based intervention and cross-mentoring opportunities for students, helping to create detailed talent profiles and fostering their development. Post-Olympiad, steps will be taken to improve the skills of the students, added the officials.
Rapid fire
40 questions will make up each session of the olympiad
60 minutes will be the duration of each session
Questions will asses students’ aptitude, cognitive skills
Pilot project will be carried out in selected schools
Skill-based intervention will be offered to students based on analytics