CUDDALORE: The Cuddalore police have launched an investigation after Rs 2.5 crore was deposited into the bank account of a history sheeter – P Ashok Kumar (25) of Perperiyankuppam village near Panruti – over the course of last month. The police have also detained seven individuals for questioning after Ashok Kumar transferred Rs 2 crore to their accounts.
According to sources, Ashok has more than 10 cases filed against him at Muthandikuppam and other nearby stations in Cuddalore.
He holds an account at the Canara Bank branch in Muthandikuppam. In July, Rs 2.5 crore was deposited into his account in increments of Rs 10 lakh and Rs 20 lakh. Suspicious of the transactions, bank officials contacted Ashok Kumar, who claimed the funds were profits from the share market. However, upon verification, bank officials confirmed that the money was not linked to any share market and immediately informed police.
“After being questioned by the bank officials, Ashok Kumar transferred Rs 2 crore to seven different accounts and absconded. Only Rs 50 lakh remains in his account, which was frozen a few days ago,” sources at the bank said.
The crime branch and cyber crime wing are investigating the case. The seven individuals who received the funds are being questioned, and a search is on to nab Ashok Kumar.