Rs 2,000 fine if Tamil name boards are not placed: Officials

An official from the Tamil Development Department told TNIE that they have received several complaints about commercial establishments using name boards only in English.
Image of 'English name boards' used for representational purposes only
Image of 'English name boards' used for representational purposes only Photo | Express
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1 min read

COIMBATORE: Officials of the Tamil Development Department and labour department on Monday discussed plans to conduct joint inspections on commercial establishments, educational institutes, etc to check if they have placed name boards in Tamil.

An official from the Tamil Development Department told TNIE that they have received several complaints about commercial establishments using name boards only in English. As per the G.O., the name board of every establishment should be in Tamil, and if they are using other language, they should ensure that there is space for Tamil, English, and other language name boards in 5:3:2 ratio.

She added, “To ensure that Tamil name boards are placed everywhere, frequent inspections will be conducted in the city. Officers from both departments will be conducting joint inspections twice a month. If commercial establishments have name boards only in English, they would be removed, and a Rs 2,000 fine will be imposed.

Owners of commercial establishments, educational institutions, and heads of government offices are asked to ensure that Tamil name boards are placed in front of their establishments.”

During the meeting, officials from the Tamil Development Department explained about the GO and new fine details to the officials of the labour department.

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