TIRUCHY: Tiruchy district Superintendent of Police V Varun Kumar, vowed on the X platform on Saturday, to take legal action against those responsible for the online abuse on his family members. He also emphasised that online abuse would not be tolerated and that stern action would be taken against perpetrators.
Varun Kumar in his X post said that he had earlier filed a civil and criminal defamation notice against Naam Tamilar Katchi leader Seeman and later filed a complaint in Tiruchy cyber police against three members of the NTK party. The IPS officer also alleged that his family members were being targeted and subjected to abuse on social media platforms by members of a particular party.
In an 8-page statement he shared on the X platform, Varun said that followed by his defamation suit, his children's and family members' photos were being misused and shared on social media, and that he suspected a political party's involvement, followed by which he shared 51 X accounts he considers are connected with the party.
The statement further says, "The fake accounts that posted obscene content are being operated by the organisers of a particular party, from the state-level leaders to the district-level leaders, with the instigation of the key administrators. Moreover, it has been found that many fake accounts have been instructed to post obscene content by paying money to Tamil-speaking individuals living abroad."
Varun announced that he and his wife, Vandita Pandey, SP of Pudukkottai, will be taking a temporary break from engaging in conversations on the topic.
This development comes amid an ongoing controversy involving Seeman and Varun Kumar, with both sides trading allegations and counter-allegations.