CHENNAI: Union Minister Shobha Karandlaje on Friday told the Madras High Court that she is ready to express regret through the court, regarding her comments made against Tamils in connection with the Rameshwaram Cafe blast in Bengaluru, and cannot tender apology in a press conference as suggested by the TN Advocate General P S Raman as a condition for withdrawing the FIR against her.
The submission was made by her counsel Hariprasad before Justice G Jayachandran when the petition filed by her seeking to quash the FIR registered by Madurai police came up for hearing.
“I am ready to file an affidavit in the court expressing regret,” the counsel said, adding that he is also ready to argue the case dehors the affidavit.
Since the government advocate K M D Muhilan sought for an adjournment, Justice Jayachandran posted the matter to early next week.
During the previous hearing, the minister’s counsel said he had to get instructions from her on the AG’s offer.