TIRUPPUR: Housing and Urban Development Minister S Muthusamy said that authorised committees consisting of farmers will soon be formed to protect the technical equipment installed in the water bodies for the Athikadavu-Avinashi project.
Earlier, as technical equipment from more than 100 water bodies was stolen before the scheme was operational, farmers insisted on forming a local committee to protect the equipment installed for the project.
T K Periyasamy, secretary of the Athikadavu-Avinashi project agitation committee, said, “Our long-time demand for the project has been operationalised by the government and this makes us happy. However, it is the government’s as well as the public’s responsibility to continue to protect it. Because the water will be supplied to the ponds only 70 days a year and on the other days, the technical equipment for the project will be operational.”
He further said, “There are 1,045 ponds under the scheme and each pond is equipped with OMS (Outlet Management System) technology to monitor water flow. It helps to monitor the water level from the feeder line to the ponds and the water level in the pond from the pumping station.
Solar panels are also installed in the ponds. Before the project became operational, on days when there was no surplus water for the trial run, in more than 100 ponds, the technical equipment was stolen. Pipe valves were also stolen in many places. Later, the officials had to re-order and fix it. Such a situation should not happen again.”
“Currently we are creating awareness among the public regarding the protection of this project. At the same time, the government should form a few committees consisting of police, local body administration, revenue officials, and farmers,” he added.
Minister S Muthusamy said, “Farmers have also brought this to our attention. There are 85 feeder lines for this project and the water will flow from each feeder line to various ponds. Hence, we have planned to form a committee for each feeder line.
The committee will consist of a local farmer respectively. A farmer will be appointed per pond. Appropriate government recognition will be given to the committee. Discussions are underway. We plan to complete this task within three months.”