COIMBATORE: Three women, including the mother of a 14-day-old girl, were arrested for allegedly selling the newborn for Rs 1 lakh. The suspects have been identified as A Nandhini (22) of Chinnakannanpudur near Periyanaickenpalayam, V Devika (42) of Kasthuripalayam, and M Anitha (40) of Kavundampalayam in Coimbatore.
Police said Nandhini, the mother of the girl, and her husband, a driver, work in an apparel unit at Periyanaickenpalayam. The couple already have a three-year-old son.
When Nandhini gave birth at Mettupalayam Government Hospital on August 14, Devika and Anitha, who were also working in the same apparel unit, approached her and convinced her to sell the baby to Anitha claiming she has no child even 15-years after her marriage.
Nandhini allegedly handed over the child to Anitha on August 19 after receiving the money. The neighbours who grew suspicious alerted the Childline, and its organiser Angela Josephine and other staff visited the Nandhini’s house on Monday for an inquiry. Based on a complaint by Angela, the Periyanaickenpalayam All-Women Police booked the three under sections 143 of BNS and section 80 and 86 of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act and arrested the women on Monday. The baby was taken to a government centre.