VELLORE: Vellore Superintendent of Police, N Mathivanan, on Thursday handed over 232 recovered mobile phones, valued at Rs 46.25 lakh to their respective owners. The phones were recovered on the basis of complaints registered through the cell tracker and the Central Government’s CEIR platforms.
The cell tracker initiative, launched on 3rd July last year, allows public to report stolen mobile phones via Google form. Since its inception, the facility has successfully recovered 1,092 mobile phones worth Rs 2.08 crore in Vellore, with the recovered phones being returned to their owners by June this year.
With the recovery of the 232 phones, the total number of recovered phones in the district adds up to 1,324, with a combined worth of Rs 2.54 crore. Additional Superintendent of Police Baskaran, Inspector Rajinikumar, and other officials were also present.