MADUYRAI: Two brothers were arrested by the Madurai city police for allegedly murdering the district secretary of the BJP's OBC wing near Vandiyur tollgate on Thursday morning. The accused have been identified as Maruthu (27) and Ranjith Kumar (24) of LKP Nagar in Kalmedu. They have been detained for allegedly hacking MP Sakthivel (37), of Gurunji Residency in Anna Nagar, to death over previous enmity.
According to the police, the incident occurred around 6 am when Sakthivel was riding a two-wheeler near Vandiyur tollgate. A four-member gang intercepted his bike and hacked him to death. Upon information, Anna Nagar (law and order) police rushed to the spot and Commissioner J Loganathan inspected the crime scene. Later, the body was shifted to Government Rajaji Hospital for autopsy.
Sources said, Maruthu had borrowed around Rs 70,000 from Sakthivel a few months back, while he was working under him in a mill. However, he was able to repay only Rs 20,000 and this led to an argument between the duo, which resulted in the murder. In addition to the detained persons, two others are believed to be involved in the crime. Also, the police have ruled out the possibility of a political angle behind the crime based on preliminary inquiry, sources added. Further investigation is underway.
Meanwhile, BJP cadre led by district secretary Maha Suseendran staged a protest in front of the mortuary of Government Rajaji Hospital seeking immediate arrest of all the suspects.