Fire breaks out at Chennai airport's ATC building, no damage caused

The fire, suspected to have been caused by a short circuit erupted in a place used to store old articles, Fire and Rescue Services officials said.
Chennai international airport.
Chennai international airport.Photo | Martin Louis

CHENNAI: A fire erupted on the third floor of the Air Traffic Control (ATC) building at the airport here early on Thursday.

There were no damage due to the fire, the police said.

According to the sources, the fire started at around 3:30 a.m on the fourth floor of the ATC Tower. The Air Traffic Control tower is operated by the Airports Authority of India (AAI) and is responsible for ensuring the safe takeoff and landing of flights.

The fire, suspected to have been caused by a short circuit erupted in a place used to store old articles, Fire and Rescue Services officials said.

Fire tenders from Ashok Nagar and Guindy were pressed into service and the fire was doused quickly, they said. Nobody was injured in the episode.

An investigation has been launched. Airport operations were not affected.

(with inputs from PTI)

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