CHENNAI: Chief Minister MK Stalin on Monday lauded Minister for Youth Welfare and Sports Development Udhayanidhi Stalin for successfully organising the Formula 4 race in Chennai, expressing confidence that Tamil Nadu is on the path to becoming the “Sports capital of India.”
In a message on X, Stalin commended Udhayanidhi and his department for making “Formula 4 Chennai a roaring success.”
He highlighted the major sports events hosted in Tamil Nadu over the past three years, including the Chess Olympiad, Chennai Open 2023, Asian Champions Trophy 2023, Tamil Nadu International Surf Open 2023, Squash World Cup 2023, and Khelo India and described Tamil Nadu as a trailblazer in sports excellence.
Stalin said, “With world-class facilities and strategic investments, we’re not just hosting events; we’re pioneering the future of Indian sports. Let’s continue pushing the limits and cement Tamil Nadu’s legacy as the ‘Sports Capital of India.”
Udhayanidhi said the initiative will provide Indian car racers with an important platform to compete internationally. He further added, “This event not only promotes Indian motorsports but also establishes Tamil Nadu as a hub for high-level racing.”
In another tweet, Stalin appreciated film director Mari Selvaraj for his movie ‘Vaazhai’, which he watched in San Francisco. He praised the film for its powerful depiction of the struggles of the working class.