CHENNAI: The Tamil Nadu government on Monday directed all higher education institutes to ensure compliance under the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Act and take proactive measures to tackle drug menace on campuses.
The instructions were given during a meeting chaired by Chief Secretary N Muruganandam, in the presence of DGP Shankar Jiwal, other senior police officers and secretaries of various departments, in the wake of the raids by Tambaram police on apartments near a private college in Potheri on Saturday, the sexual harassment incident at NIT-Tiruchy last week, and the child sexual abuse cases at a fake NCC camp in Krishnagiri district last month.
Speaking to TNIE, a top official said that the two issues of tackling sexual harassment and drug menace were discussed in detail.
While only 25% of the state’s institutes have set up an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), colleges have not been vigilant in controlling the drug rackets prevalent on campus, in hostels and other student accommodations, multiple officials present in the meeting told TNIE.
From next week, one police personnel will be deputed to each college every Monday for sensitising staff and students regarding these issues and also explain to them about the ‘Kaval Udhavi’ mobile app using which, one can send an emergency alert to the police control room, a senior police official said.
Colleges told to report sexual abuse plaints on POSH website
College representatives who took part in the meeting were asked to devise a proper protocol to deal with sexual harassment cases. Colleges have been instructed to immediately share details of any sexual harassment issue reported on the campus on the government’s POSH website.
The colleges were asked to create awareness on sexual harassment internal complaints committee (ICC) among students. One of the SPs said the students hesitated to complain about sexual harassment, fearing being targeted by college administration during job placements.
On the drug issue, colleges have been asked to form anti-drug clubs, keep an eye on consumption on campus and hostels. College authorities must try to rehabilitate drug users.
There must be regular information sharing and coordination with cops to nip the issue in the bud, TN police advised. A vice-principal of a Chennai college said the institutions were asked to light up all unlit areas on the campuses and install CCTV cameras.
(With inputs from Coimbatore)