CHENNAI: The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) will shortly commission a study for noise mapping in Chennai. A proposal was sent by TNPCB chairperson M Jayanthi and the state government has issued a G.O. sanctioning Rs 50 lakh from the board’s fund.
Jayanthi told TNIE that mapping will be done by IIT-Madras using low-cost sensors. The order issued by P Senthilkumar, principal secretary, Environment, Climate Change and Forest Department, said four sensors will be used in each of the 15 Chennai Corporation zones as part of the mapping exercise.
The exercise will first be carried out in Chennai and then expanded to other cities like Tiruchy, Coimbatore and Madurai engaging reputable educational institutions. The aim of the study is to identify noise pollution sources such as road traffic, railway traffic, aircraft and industries including ports and commercial areas and hotspots exceeding limits to help prioritise mitigation efforts.
As per the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000, the areas are broadly categorised into industrial, commercial, residential and silent zones.
Standard values in each area are prescribed for both daytime and night time measures in decibel.