Pidamaneri residents in Dharmapuri urge panchayat officials to rid of garbage in burial ground

The burial ground was constructed on the edge of a lake, to make it convenient for people to bury the dead and perform last rites.
A picture of the burial ground in Pidamineri littered with heaps of trash
A picture of the burial ground in Pidamineri littered with heaps of trashPhoto | Express
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DHARMAPURI: Pidamaneri residents are distressed after trash was dumped in a burial ground in the area. They urged Elakkiyampatti panchayat to take steps to ensure trash is not dumped at the burial ground.

The burial ground was constructed on the edge of a lake, to make it convenient for people to bury the dead and perform last rites. However, over the years, this burial ground has become a dumping ground ripe with food and plastic waste. It has become a menace that people are forced to walk through heaps of trash for burials.

Speaking to TNIE, S Senthilkumar from Pidamaneri said, “For years, Elakkiyampatti panchayat staff have been dumping trash here. Following the their lead, residents in the area have also started dumping waste here and heaps of trash have ended up in the burial ground, which is extremely distressing.”

Another resident, P Karthikeyan said, “The wastes have piled up and are burnt, which affects residents nearby. Moreover, people arriving here to perform burials of their loved ones, are left disgusted by the failure to dispose off waste properly.”

When TNIE spoke to DRDA officials, they said, “We will look into these issues as we have not received any complaints regarding this. Residents in the area must also bear responsibility for waste accumulation as they cannot dump waste here and expect the panchayat to clean up. It is everyone’s equal responsibility to keep surroundings clean.”

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