TNCSC to open 38 direct procurement centres soon as samba paddy harvest commences

Since DPCs are yet to be opened, farmers are being forced to sell their produce to private traders at rates lower than MSP, said A Kannan, a farmer from Musiri.
Harvest ready samba paddy land at Pulivalam near Tiruchy on Thursday.
Harvest ready samba paddy land at Pulivalam near Tiruchy on Thursday. (Photo | MK Ashok Kumar)
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TIRUCHY: As samba paddy harvest is under way in several blocks of the district, farmers want the Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation (TNCSC) to open more direct procurement centres (DPCs) at the earliest which would in turn prevent exploitation by private traders.

Officials say samba paddy has been raised on 1.16 lakh acres in the district, with farmers in Lalgudi, Anthanallur, Thiruverumbur, Thottiyam, and Musiri relying on River Cauvery water. But farmers, especially those with filter point borewells, started cultivation early and have already begun harvesting.

Since DPCs are yet to be opened, they are being forced to sell their produce to private traders at rates lower than MSP, said A Kannan, a farmer from Musiri. Vayalur N Rajendran, state treasurer of the farmers’ wing of Tamil Maanila Congress, pointed out that the increased samba cultivation this year, facilitated by release of adequate water from the Mettur dam and heavy rainfall, has led to private traders exploiting farmers with lower prices.

“Private traders are purchasing paddy at Rs 1,300 to Rs 1,500 per quintal, which is much lower than the MSP of Rs 2,450 per quintal for Grade A paddy and Rs 2,405 for common varieties fixed by the government,” he said. When contacted, G Chittrarasu, senior regional manager of TNCSC, assured that 38 DPCs will be operational across the district.

“We plan to open DPCs in Manapparai, Marungapuri, Thottiyam, and Musiri this week, as harvesting has commenced in these areas. Additionally, 20 more DPCs will be opened based on the requirements,” he told TNIE. Typically, paddy arrives at DPCs only by the end of January. However, the official confirmed that steps have been taken to advance the opening of centres this year for the benefit of farmers.

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