PERAMBALUR: The recent unseasonal rains have affected cotton cultivation in several villages of the district, leaving farmers worried about reduced yield. They urge the government to provide immediate compensation to tide over the losses. Official sources say cotton was cultivated on over 5,000 hectares in the district this season.
This harvest season, the unseasonal rains, however, have caused the cotton bolls to decay and many flowers and bracts have fallen off. Also, the ripe bolls are wet from the rain, say farmers. The quality suffers when ripe bolls get wet, making it difficult for farmers to sell at good prices.
Sources said the minimum support price (MSP) for the crop is Rs 7,521 per quintal, while the market price is around Rs 5,500 per quintal. Farmers have submitted petitions to the district collectorate and the agriculture department seeking compensation.
K Ulaganathan of Vayalur said, "I sowed cotton on my 4 acres, spending Rs 40,000 per acre. When it was harvested 10 days ago, all the flowers on the plants had fallen, and the ripe bolls had also decayed due to unexpected rain. Usually, I harvest 10 quintals per acre.
But this time, it is hard to get event 2 quintals an acre. I fear I won't be able to recover my investment." Another farmer, D Durai of Kurumbapalayam, said, "I sowed cotton on 3 acres but unexpected rain ruined everything. For the past two years, we received good prices for cotton. However, the prices have fallen this season. We need support from the government to tide over the crisis."
"Drying the wet ripe bolls need not get us the right price, and it requires double the effort. This apart, there are no direct procurement centres here to sell the cotton," he added.
The joint director of the agriculture department in Perambalur, S Babu, was not available for comment. Meanwhile, another agriculture department official in Perambalur said, "We are aware of the damage. We will undertake an inspection and take action."