TIRUNELVELI: The commissioning of Unit 3 of theKudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KKNPP) is expected in 2026, said KKNPP site director Sathish Kumar B. "The Unit 3 and 4 work are in full swing and the overall progress is 76% as of December 2024," he said during his Republic Day address.
"Nuclear energy is a symbol of progress, innovation, and sustainability. It represents our commitment to providing clean, reliable, and affordable energy to the nation. Unit 1 and 2 of the KKNPP crossed 1,00,000 MU in the month of July 2024, indirectly avoiding release of around 86 million tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Commissioning of Unit 3 is expected in 2026," he added.
"KKNPP's Unit 5 and 6 have achieved a physical progress of 33 %, and civil works of all major buildings such as the reactor, turbine and safety buildings are on track. KKNPP is very keen on the development of our neighborhood and Rs 124 crore has been spent so far for infrastructure development in education, medical, water supply, clean energy and various other fronts,” Kumar said. S Vengusamy, Project Director, Units 3 and 6 and D Ramesh, Station Director, Units 1 and 2 were present.