HYDERABAD: True to his word, Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao will resume efforts to put together a “non-Congress, non-BJP” Federal Front from Sunday. Rao is scheduled to meet two chief ministers and two former chief ministers during his 7-day tour of AP, Odisha, West Bengal and Delhi. The pink party has engaged a special flight especially for Rao’s trip — the first of many to bring together a formidable alliance.
Rao, accompanied by his family, will leave for Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh from Begumpet Airport at 10 am on Sunday and begin the political mission by offering prayers at Rajasyamala Temple in Sarada Peetham of the port city. It may be recalled that just before the Assembly elections, Rao conducted rajasyamala yagam and chandi yagam under the guidance of Sarada Peetham priest Swarupanandendra Swami.
The TRS supremo will conclude his Vizag visit with lunch at the swami’s ashramam and then leave for Bhubaneswar, where he will meet Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik at his residence. Rao will on Monday visit the Konark and Jagannadha temples and return to Bhubaneshwar for lunch before flying to Kolkata to meet the Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday.
According to a release from the CMO, Rao will stay at the capital city for two to three days and meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi too. “It is a courtesy call. Rao has been elected Chief Minister a second time, he has to meet Modi formally,” a party leader said.
The TRS chief also plans on meeting the Chief Election Commissioner, BSP president and former Bihar Chief Minister Mayawati and former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Akhilesh Yadav.