KHAMMAM: The celestial wedding of Lord Rama and Goddess Sita was organised in a low-key manner, this year too, at the Sri Sita Ramachandraswamy temple in Bhadrachalam on Wednesday, owing to the massive surge in Covid cases across the State. Only 100 people, including a few public representatives, priests and staff, were allowed inside the temple to witness the Kalyanotsavam, organised during the Abhijit muhurtham.
In view of the pandemic situation, the celestial wedding was conducted at the mandapam where Nithya Kalyanams are performed, instead of the Mithila Stadium, where the celestial wedding is usually organised.This is the second time in the history of Bhadrachalam Ramalayam that the Kalyanotsavam was scaled down and organised without allowing devotees to enter the temple premises.
However, the devotees were relieved to witness the celestial wedding through TV channels as the authorities concerned had made arrangements for the live telecast of the rituals. During the celestial wedding, Komanduri Elaivelli Sthalasai, sthanacharyalu of the temple, wished the Chief Minister a speedy recovery. He also explained about the significance of Kalyanotsavam.
The deities were brought to the Nithya Kalyana mandapam in procession at around 10 am. The idols were received by the priests amid chanting vedic mantras. Later, they performed punyavachanam, avahanam, mahasankalpam and viswakshena pujas to the deities. Exactly at 12 pm, the priests performed the Jeelakarra Bellam ritual.
On behalf of the State government, Endowments Minister A Indrakaran Reddy and Transport Minister Puvvada Ajay Kumar visited the temple and offered pattu vastralu and muthayala talambrralu to the deities