HYDERABAD: IT Minister KT Rama Rao launched three new programmes for students and tech-based startups during the startup graduation event at We-Hub on Wednesday. July 28, 2021.
‘Empowering the Greater 50%’ — a FICCI and FLO initiative — is one such initiative to provide mentoring and business development support for women entrepreneurs. As part of this, We-Hub and FICCI FLO will kick off a pre-incubation programme to incubate 100 aspiring women entrepreneurs and an incubation programme for 20 established startups across India.
‘Girls in STEAM’ is another initiative launched to create a platform for women entrepreneurs in the field of data science, artificial intelligence and allied domains. We-Hub, in collaboration with WiDS (Women in Data Science), Stanford University, will run a cohort of 100 school students from five cities in India - Bangalore, Jammu and Kashmir, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Kerala - as part of this initiative.
To encourage girl students to take up entrepreneurship, We-Hub, along with five technical educational institutions across Telangana, has also devised a programme called ‘We Alpha’ to support 50 students through entrepreneurial development programmes, mentoring and exposure visits.
Empower women entrepreneurs
R Deepthi, CEO of We-Hub, said that the programmes will enable more tech entrepreneurship among girls in Telangana and across India.