HYDERABAD: The Compressed Biogas Plant (CBG) established at Jawaharnagar dumping yard commenced its operations. It is the first project in the country where landfill gas is being purified and converted into automotive fuel. CBG, is produced by anaerobic decomposition of municipal waste. The plant is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ramky Enviro Engineers Limited (REEL).
The byproduct will be supplied to Bhagyanagar Gas Limited (BGL) and then distributed through its retail outlets all over Hyderabad. The landfill gas generated within the capped landfill is extracted through strategically placed gas wells. These gas wells are connected through a piping network to a flaring station.
Landfill gas has the potential for conversion into automotive gas. This alternative fuel can replace diesel. Through the CBG, the total potential of waste to cause environmental degradation gets reduced substantially, while reducing the demand for land for waste disposal and carriage cost.
Byproduct can replace diesel
This plant converts waste gas into compressed biogas (renewable natural gas). The byproduct will be supplied to Bhagyanagar Gas Ltd and then distributed through its retail outlets all over Hyderabad. Landfill gas has the potential for conversion into automotive gas and can replace diesel