HYDERABAD: A minor boy, along with his three friends, were arrested for breaking into the house of his employer and decamping with valuables including jewellery, cash, a car and mobile phones, all worth `23 lakh at Medipally on Saturday. The boy has been working in the hardware shop run by the victim identified as Mohanlal Chowdary in Medipally for the last 20 days.
According to police, all the accused belong to Rajasthan and were working in the city to make ends meet. The minor, who discontinued his studies after Class IX, had come to the city a couple of months ago. Around 20 days ago, he started working at the hardware shop and since then he has been monitoring the movements of the house inmates. He conspired with his friends to commit a burglary and executed it when the inmates were away. The burglary came to light on August 8.