The High Court of Telangana on Monday expressed its dismay over non-implementation of its orders in protecting a lake in Raikal in Jagtiyal district and directed the Principle Secretary, Irrigation and Command Area Development to appear before it personally on February 21 to explain the reasons.A bench, comprising Chief Justice Satish Chandra Sharma and Justice Abhinand Kumar Shavili, observed that “if people do not obey the court’s orders, we know how to get our orders implemented.”
While hearing a PIL filed by B Mohan Reddy, a farmer from Shivaji Nagar in Raikal, who is aggrieved by the inaction of the officials of the Irrigation and Revenue department in not clearing the illegal encroachments from Madiga Kunta lake in his village and strengthen and restore the bund by fencing it, the bench directed the Principal Secretary, Irrigation and CAD to ensure that all illegal encroachments in the Madiga Kunta are removed. It recalled the court ordering steps for protection of the lake by fencing it from all sides on August 24, 2021 and till date the officials have not acted on those orders. The Government Pleader informed the court that the estimates for fencing the lake have been sent to the government and approvals are awaited. As the reply to the court even on August 24, 2021 was the same, the bench was annoyed and directed the Principal Secretary to appear before it personally.
Suryapet attack case: HC grants bail to Bandi
Justice Ujjal Bhuyan of the Telangana High Court, on Monday, granted anticipatory bail to BJP state president Bandi Sanjay. Bail was provided under the conditions of a personal bond of `25,000 and with two sureties of the same sum to the satisfaction of the Station House officer of Matampally. The court also directed Sanjay to co-operate with the investigation of the case and to be available to the concerned investigation officer when required.Sanjay supported a tribal agitation on February 7, 2021 and tried to host a meeting in Matampally, Suryapet district.The police booked a case against Sanjay stating that his supporters had attacked the police.