HYDERABAD: A division bench of the Telangana High Court on Friday adjourned hearing on the State government’s appeal against a lower court’s decision rejecting the police plea to send to judicial custody BJP MLA T Raja Singh on August 23 on the ground that proper procedure was not followed while arresting him.
As the lower court set him free, the police then arrested Raja Singh again under the Preventive Detention Act and sent him to remand but the High Court dismissed the case and ordered his release on Wednesday. After the issue of the release orders, Raja Singh came out of jail after 78 days.
The police, challenging the lower court order setting him free on August 23, moved a petition before the division bench. The Advocate General argued that the lower court erred by refusing to remand him to judicial custody.
Senior council C Damodar Reddy, representing Raja Singh, referred to the single judge calling the preventive detention order against the MLA unlawful and dismissing the case itself. The bench adjourned the hearing on the case to November 25.
Chikoti backs Raja Singh
Controversial casino operator Chikoti Praveen met BJP MLA T Raja Singh on Friday, to show solidarity with his Hindutva cause. Later speaking to the media, he said that there was “no political intention behind his meeting with Singh” and that he met the BJP leaders “only as a supporter of his Hindutva”.