HYDERABAD: As part of the probe into the alleged poaching of TRS MLAs, the Special Investigation Team (SIT), constituted by the State government, on Saturday night conducted raids at one of the hotels owned by accused Nanda Kumar in Film Nagar.
This apart, the sleuths also raided his residence in Chaitanyapuri. The three accused reportedly stayed in ‘Deccan Kitchen - A Bit of Legacy’ in Film Nagar while planning for the operation.Sources said that the sleuths were looking for any evidence related to the case.
Being blackmailed
The complainant in the poaching case, MLA Pilot Rohit Reddy has lodged another complaint with the Madhapur Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) stating that he received several calls from 11 numbers from Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat, where callers abused him with filthy expletives and said that ‘he would be eliminated soon’.
The police are yet to register a case. The ACP said they would take a close look at the claims and take necessary steps in accordance with law.
MLA’s statement recorded
Meanwhile, the SIT also recorded Rohit Reddy’s statement. Sources said SIT members Rema Rajeshwari and Kalmeshwar Singenavar visited the TRS MLA’s residence and recorded his statement. They asked how the accused approached him and what they offered him to shift his loyalities. In reply, the he explained how the accused had contacted him and offered him `100 crore to switch to the BJP, sources said.
SIT was mulling serving notices to three businessmen who promised to provide `100 crore to the MLA, sources said, adding that the probe team is likely to conduct searches in the companies they represent for more evidence relating to poaching attempts.