HYDERABAD: Amidst chanting of Vedic hymns, Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao on Sunday inaugurated the Dr BR Ambedkar Telangana State Secretariat by occupying his seat in his chambers located on the sixth floor at 1.29 pm, as per the muhurtham.
The first file Rao signed in the new Secretariat complex was to extend the Dalit Bandhu scheme to 1,100 beneficiaries in each of the 118 Assembly constituencies. The stunning Secretariat complex was constructed at an estimated cost of over Rs 700 crore.
Earlier at 1.25 pm, the Chief Minister inaugurated the plaque of the Secretariat and performed pujas on the premises marking the conclusion of Sudarshana Yagam, Chandi Yagam and Vast Puja. Later, addressing a meeting, Rao said that Telangana has been reconstructed and the State has become a role model and guiding force for the country in the welfare and development sectors.
Stating that “some dwarfs and foolish fellows” made petty comments when the plans for the new Secretariat complex were made public by saying reconstruction means the destruction of the existing structures, Rao said: “But it was not a fact. We may demolish some structures to construct new buildings.”
All members of the State Cabinet, Council Chairman Gutha Sukhender Reddy, Assembly Speaker Pocharam Srinivas Reddy and Chief Secretary A Santhi Kumar accompanied the Chief Minister and greeted him.“We have worked without paying attention to the petty comments. Today, I feel proud that the growth achieved by my State Telangana is sky-high,” the Chief Minister said.
Stating that the government demolished structures like the old Collectorate complex in Warangal to make way for new ones for the convenience of the people, Rao said that the real reconstruction was that Telangana has become No. 1 in paddy production. “The total cropped area in Rabi in the country is 94 lakh acres, of which paddy was raised in 56 lakh acres in Telangana alone,” he said.
“Soon after the formation of the State, our government started reconstructing Telangana in every sector. Telangana state has become a role model and guiding force for the country in the welfare and development sectors. All water bodies have been revived and ponds are brimming with water even during peak summer. This is called reconstruction of the State and our political adversaries should open their eyes and witness the development taking place,” the Chief Minister said.
“The State constructed an engineering marvel called Kaleshwaram to lift irrigation scheme. There is no power crisis in the state. Farmers are living with pride, which is a result of the reconstruction of Telangana,” Rao said. He added that the State was progressing on industrial and IT fronts. “Those who migrated to other States in search of jobs have returned. Now, migrants from other States are working in Telangana. This is called reconstruction,” Rao said.
“Telangana’s per capita income is the highest among all States in the country. The per capita power consumption is also high. Both of these are growth indicators and signs of good economic development,” he said. “The State government restored water tanks under Mission Kakatiya. Now, water is available in these tanks even during summer. This is called reconstruction,” the Chief Minister said.
Rao thanked R&B Minister Vemula Prasanth Reddy, former Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar and all the employees of the Secretariat for completing the new Secretariat complex in a record 20 months. Meanwhile, Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan and elected representatives of the Opposition parties were conspicuous with their absence.
New beginnings
Several Ministers occupied their new chambers in the Dr BR Ambedkar Secretariat on Sunday and signed several files:
Finance Minister T Harish Rao
Signed a file for direct recruitment of 1,827 staff nurses in teaching hospitals in the state. He also signed a file releasing Rs 151.64 crore funds towards the compensation, to be paid to farmers, who lost crops during the recent untimely rains
R&B Minister V Prasanth Reddy
Signed a file relating to the revamping of the Roads and Buildings department. Accordingly, 328 new officials of R&B will be started in the State from June 2
Endowments Minister A Indra Karan Reddy
Signed a file extending the Dhoopa Deepa Naivedyam scheme to 100 temples in four districts in Greater Hyderabad limits. He also signed a file for distributing ‘millet Prasadam’ to devotees in important temples.
Panchayat Raj Minister E Dayakar Rao
Signed a file for constructing IKP buildings in the newly formed mandals. Each building will be constructed with an estimated cost of Rs 25 lakh
Energy Minister G Jagadish Reddy
Released Rs 958.33 crore power subsidy amount for May to Discoms
Agriculture Minister S Niranajan Reddy
Released Rs 76.66 crore towards bio manure subsidy amount
Sports Minister V Srinivas Goud
Singed a file releasing Rs 3.20 cr for conducting CM Cup sports across the State