HYDERABAD: As assured by Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, the State government on Monday issued a GO accommodating 16,758 Village Revenue Assistants (VRAs) in various departments.
“The State government has decided to convert the services of 16,758 VRAs, who have not attained the age of 61 years into full-time, absorbing them in suitable government departments, against the categories of last grade service/record assistant/junior assistant or equivalent categories as per their qualifications and extend them regular pay scales,” the GO read.
As per the orders, 10,317 VRAs who studied up to Class X will get last grade service pay scale of Rs 19,000 to Rs 58,850. About 2,761 VRAs passed Intermediate will get record assistant or equivalent pay scale of Rs 22,240 to Rs 67,300, while 3,680 VRAs with a degree or a higher qualification will get a junior assistant or equivalent pay scale of Rs 24,280 to Rs 72,850.
The government also decided that in respect of 3,797 VRAs who are continuing their services beyond 61 years of age, as there is no retirement as prescribed in respect of VRAs appointed prior to October 1, 2011, considering their fervent request on medical grounds, subject to their eligibility, their sons/daughters may be provided compassionate appointment as per their eligibility and qualifications against the categories of junior assistant/record assistant/last grade service or equivalent posts, the orders said.
The GO further said that the new RoR Act has brought far-reaching changes in the maintenance of land records with the introduction of the Dharani portal. Consequently, the system of Village Revenue Officers (VROs) has been abolished. With this, the need has arisen to also review the existing set-up in respect of VRAs. There have also been representations to convert the services of VRAs to full-time and extend regular pay scales to them, the GO said.